American Education System Essay

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Education System refers to the public schooling program from the primary grades through secondary. It is of utmost importance, for the “developed country” status of a nation is prominently indebted to its education system. Therefore, the governments allocate abundant budget and resources to assure a properly planned system for their young generation. However, countries with low income, for instance Afghanistan, my country, often gloss the surface of the fundamentally rotten education system, and as a result can never tackle the core of the problem. What prompts my hostile tone is that defects of our disappointing education system can affect the pupils perniciously.
Let’s start with schools, which in Afghanistan are seldom elementary and often secondary. Elementary schools are in charge of only primary grades, whereas secondary schools cover all grades from the first to the twelfth, which I have a hard time understanding. Why condense schools with all students from all …show more content…

A high school student studies an average of fifteen subjects during one grade. While the subjects are general, a minimum score is required to qualify for the next grade. Should any student fail in one of the subjects, that student will fail the entire grade regardless of his/her achievement in other courses. This will, among other reasons, motivate a significant number of students to lose interest in schools, and gradually drop out of it altogether. Consequently, in addition to neglecting personal preferences, this system will leave limited room for students to discover their personality and passion. Furthermore, I believe, lack of concentrated studies in high school, in one of the main reasons students either follow one career path massively, or have trouble choosing a major, beside the fact that the majority cannot pass the Conquer Exam to pursue their higher education to begin