Essay On Failing Education System

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Our educational system is failing us. The United States of America is supposed to be the “greatest” country in the world but statistics are showing that our government/educational system is failing us; children/young adults of the nation. Being a student of a middle ranked school in Arizona, I personally have had a first-hand feel for how good and/or bad teaching affects students. Just in high school I have had teachers that would just assign websites as our lesson and even teachers that sit at their desk for the whole hour; don’t even go over the mindset, homework, and maybe only show one problem so that we’ll know what the homework will be like. Until sophomore year I didn’t even know the differences between you’re, your, too, and to. Even …show more content…

Sue Honoré, an independent learning consultant who has studied people who were born from 1982 to 2002 has that “while young people are "undoubtedly capable of long periods of concentration", those who spend a lot of time alone using technology tend to have less in the way of communication skills, self-awareness and emotional intelligence”. It has been proven that around 31 nations that students who used computers everyday in class had lower test scores in reading and math than students who don’t use them as much (Study: Students Who Use in School Doesn’t Help Test Scores). Though technology is amazing and has given so many people different opportunities they would’ve never had before it is resulting in a few bad habits for students. Casey Schools systems around the United States have begun to rely on technology to teach their students instead of teachers to teach them. According Michael Godsey, a veteran high-school English educator, even said and agreed with many people today that we are at the point in time where since we have the internet at our fingertips, there is really no need for teachers