Today's Leading Thinkers By Esther Dyson Essay

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Technology has taken on a considerable amount of roles in education. Teaching a class substituting laptops and tablets for paper and books. Most people extol the ability of using technology while in school. However, the widespread use of information technologies force students’ lives to move too quickly and forces them into isolation. Technology has the world living longer and thinking shorter. Modern day children have already trained themselves to live in a rapidly-moving lifestyle. According to Esther Dyson in the essay “Today’s Leading Thinkers”, it has become a question whether children will be able to discern cause and effect or put together a coherent story line. Children used to read books and play with noninteractive toys that required “[them] to make up [their] own stories, dialogue, and behavior for them.]” (Dyson). Unfortunately today’s children need to be be fed processed information to entertain themselves such as video …show more content…

A student opens a laptop and attains billions of sources to use at his/her fingertips. On top of that, students are able to open several tabs at once to complete more than one task at a time. While effective and quick, it would be a far stretch to say that technology is commendable. Not only is technology a distraction, but it also corrupts one’s way of thinking. In David Gelernter’s article, “Should Schools Be Wired To The Internet?”, he states, “[Today’s students] are bad at science, useless at mathematics, hopeless at writing-”. Resources such as calculators, websites to edit papers, and online sparknotes require little thinking and effort to complete assignments. Instead of actually reading a Shakespeare play, a student could find the summary of each act in seconds. Although this process is simple for the student, he/she will not gain any knowledge about the play and his/her reading skills will cease to