American Immigration From 1860 To 1900

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Blooming the Industry, Because America is Iconic Like That From 1860 to 1900, America faced their second main industrial revolution that led to many great inventions and ideas. Factors such as mechanical production, a large influx of American immigrants and years of progressive leadership in office led to America's industrial growth from the years 1860-1900. Through the second industrial revolution, Americans had a rapid increase of machinery and railroads due to their economical and timely benefits. England, fascinated with the United States´ factory operations, sent a committee of businessmen in 1854 to visit American industries. The Englishmen who visited had written that, ¨everything that could be done to reduce labour in the movement …show more content…

During 1860, most white people were still just working on farms instead of in factories. But immigrants coming into the United States would work for anyone even for little pay, so primarily they came to factories or ended up laying down railroad tracks for money. Bar graph, ¨American Immigration by Decades, 1860-1900s' ' displays how in the 1860s there were around 2.3 million immigrants but in the 1900s there were around 8.8 million immigrants. The large number of immigrants caused even more to come to try and work in their new life, undoubtedly causing a large amount of change and work to be done in the country, through creation in factories and being the new cause of mobility by laying down railroad tracks. Some of the immigrants were also genius workers and unexpected leaders. Andrew Carneige was a Scottish Immigrant who came to the United States in 1848. During the start of the second Industrial Revolution, created a ¨Carnegie Steel Company¨ which in E. S. Meades 1901 ¨The Genesis of the United States Steel Corporation¨ states that the company controlled all aspects of steel production which was a serious amount of power. The steel that came from Carnegie's company undoubtedly supported the machinery and transport that also helped America revolutionize again. As a result of the influx of …show more content…

From the time that the second Industrial Revolution began in 1860 to the simmering down of 1900, 8 out of the 10 presidents of that time were Republicans in office (seen by a timeline labeled ¨Political party control of the presidency, 1860-1900). In this time period, Republicans were much more progressive with their beliefs, and were actively seeking change and improvement. Much more of the presidencies were Republican presidents meaning that compared to democratic rule, much more passion for industry was present which supported many people and severely altered the future of the country. The Republican party was also able to bring about their progressive change while still following laws and being justified. In 1860, the Republican party put out excerpts addressing their ideals stating, ¨the Republican party is opposed to any changes in our naturalized laws, or any state Legislature by which the rights of . . . immigrants from foreign lands shall be abridged or impaired¨ (Republican Party platform). In no way did the party want to take away rights from anyone while trying to add upon the ideals of the country, they ended up wanting more rights for people such as the immigrants. While encouraging immigration laws and not adjusting natural human rights through the time of primarily