American Involvement In The Vietnam War

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There was an air of tension between America and Russia after the World War II. The United States was not in favor of Communism, and they believed that Russia was trying to give worldwide domination to Communism. Americans realized that they should stand against their policy and this created the background of the Vietnam War. Vietnam was a French Colony Since 1883; Americans wanted Vietnam to be a part of French Empire rather than becoming a Communist. In 1930 the Indo Chinese communist party was founded by Ho Chi Minh. The party got independence after the World War II. French were not happy with this independence as they did not want to renounce Vietnam. Vietnam was rich in minerals, and it was a definite asset for French Empire. However, the people of Vietnam did not want any longer association with the French Empire. There was no mutual settlement in both the opposing parties. That is why French was reoccupied, and French Indo Chinese War broke out in December 1946. The whole conflict lasted for an extensive period of …show more content…

France was born the drastic effects of World War II and China was helping Vietminh with their weapons and equipment. When France did not show itself a Struggling nationalist, but a communist America gave its assistance to France. In 1952 president of America Harry Truman also dispatched its military advisors to train the army of South Vietnam about the use of weapons. Initially, America contributed to the extent of money only. By 1952 around ninety thousand soldiers were killed, captured or wounded and millions of French people had been facing the dispute. At this moment America referred this whole interference as a global war against Communism. To achieve this purpose, the US moved in Vietnam to give an impression to the world that the US can go to any extent to stop the spread of Communism. By the year 1954 80% of French cost was borne by the