American League Compare And Contrast

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The American League and Japan League has many similarities and differences. In this essay we will be talking about how they are alike and different. They are both really good at the sport, but they have some ups and downs in the game. For instant Japan could be better at hitting and America(MLB) could be better at fielding(Drew, Davidson). The Japan League has less teams and players than the American League(Steve, Trautlein). The game is well known for hitting and fielding, but there is more to it than that. The game is very fun and exciting, when you hit the ball the fans in the stands will go wild and scream(Drew, Davidson).

The game starts in America when you are really young, you usually start around 5 to 7 and progresses from there. …show more content…

The Japan league uses metal and wood bats you are able to choose either of the two. The wood bats are breakable and they are expensive for America, they usually break one every game( The metal bats don't break as much they do break but it's very little. The metal bats are classified to go further, but some teams disagree with that(Graveyard Baseball) The wood bats are made very well and they are fragile. The material that the wood bats are made from go through machines to make sure they have nothing in them are bugs( It don't matter how you use the batt it all matters about your eye coordination and the way you hit the …show more content…

The umpires in Japan have to make their own calls and they cannot be overturned by another umpire. The umpires in America can call for the other umpire to come and help on the call so they can overturn the call if they would like(Differences Between). The umpires in America leagues have to wear certain colors either blue, red or white. The umpires in Japan have to wear purple or orange to stand out when they are on the field.

The American Leagues have associations and they will provide them with the materials or items they need and other stuff(Differences between). The Japan League they don't have associations they have this thing called Fan Clubs and that's what supports them and their team with the material and stuff they need(Differences Between). They have to support their team where they can look good and they can perform better with better equipment. They can hire trainers to come in and help out with the team where they can get better and win all the ball