American Materialism Research Paper

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Often, many people try to live and chase a dream, only to come and realize that it wasn’t what they had expected much less wanted in the first place. It is also seen at many times people striving to climb the ladder of success as well, and lacking the knowledge to know it is leaning on the wrong building. Through the various readings of America Now most readers often argue what is the dream being desperately chased, a closer examination can prove otherwise and easily explain that it all comes down to materialism, money, and overall not being satisfied with oneself. Society often confuses the difference between needs and wants. It all comes down to materialism, ones excessive concern with material possessions. Is that what really defines a society or perhaps even much simple, an individual? The interpretation is up to who you may ask, although commonly it is seen to be an individual concern. Many materials as mentioned before are a need, in contrary many are also luxuries which people constantly incorporate into the necessity category, as a result of this misunderstanding the issue begins to reveal. Individuals always seek for the newest product in the market, perhaps …show more content…

Money is everywhere,it surrounds many lives and in many cases controls and limits lives. So in reality how important is money, and how much influence can it have on living the American dream? One can often say America is becoming a money centric society, money is at the center of virtually all thoughts, decisions, and activities. When people care only about money, they often neglect everything necessary to build and maintain self-respect. Neglecting other aspects of humanity results in destroying one's integrity, and integrity is necessary for strength. Money can overtake trust at often times, it can betray the image a person can give