American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles Of Psychologist And Code Of Conduct

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Throughout the past two weeks we have focused on culture and the role it plays in psychology. Culture has influence how we understand or interact with one another in our everyday life. Another topic that was discussed is psychological testing and ways to stop the abuse of psychological testing that have been affecting the field of psychology. Psychological testing is based on observing and measuring a person behavior over a period of time. Within the field of psychology there are rules that a research must abide. The American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct has been establish to help maintain ethics and standard within the field of psychology. Verney, Granholm, Marshall, Malacarne, and Saccuzzo article focused on the relationship between culture, informational processing efficiency, and general cognitive capacities within the Caucasian and Mexican population. This journal w as able to express the cultural difference that takes place between Mexican and Caucasian. It’s not typical that you read about Mexicans and Caucasian so I found this journal to be very insightful. White privilege has been going for decades now, it has affect students who are not able to receive the same level of education causing students to do poorly …show more content…

Eells study focused on Alaskan and Aleut he used different types of measurement to distinguish if there are any “significant findings regarding mental abilities” ()differences within one another. To gather a better understanding between the two natives of Alaska, Eells focused on the educational system that has been used over the past forty years under the supervision of the Department of Interior. Even though the Alaskan is under one major educational system they do not receive the same educational teachings due to societal class. This separation has caused the Aleuts and Eskimo to score differently on standardized