
American Red Cross Mission Statement

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The organization I chose to analyze is the American Red Cross. This organization is targeted towards whoever is willing to donate blood or funds, and those in need of help. The American Red Cross’s mission statement is “to help prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.” The writer of this website intended to pull at the emotions of people and persuade them into donating by informing the audience of problems going on around us. The author was very effective in his/her plan for the website’s goals, and their success shows through the amount of blood, donations, and time given by people all over every community.
The Red Cross was founded by Clara Barton in Washington D.C. on May 21, 1881. Clara got her idea for the Red Cross from a similar organization in Europe sometime after the Civil War. After the war, she came home and got the word out about her idea and the …show more content…

They use an image of a white mother standing up wrapped in a blanket looking at her child in her arms with red flashing lights, what looks to be some sort of emergency situation, with an American Red Cross helper talking her thorough the struggle, which other mothers can relate to. They also use an image of a house fire. This house fire looks like it destroyed everything in the home. The whole house is in ashes, every part of the house looks black from the smoke damage and people can relate to the pain that comes with a house fire. These images they use are in a slide show at the home page and they have descriptions of how the pictures go with what kind of help they need. These strategies are targeted toward whom the Red Cross wants to affect. They do not target specifically toward a certain gender, or race. The Red Cross desires attention and help from anyone who is

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