American Tv Show Shamelessness Analysis

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I have chosen to analyze the American TV show Shameless to study and show the effects of father’s alcoholism on male children particularly as they become adults. The show Shameless is a seven season American drama with hints of comedy. It is set in Chicago and revolves around the Gallagher family of 7, a drunk father and his six children who are forced to be self-sufficient from even a young age. The four male children are named Phillip, Ian, Carl, Liam who live in the South Side, or “ghetto” of Chicago. I noticed the themes about classism, gender, sexual orientation, poverty, family structure, and substance abuse. The father's substance abuse had effects that shaped every other issue listed as well. This research paper seeks to answer the …show more content…

This article will help my analysis as it will help analyze the behavior of Frank Gallagher’s sons especially that of Phillip and Ian who took on the roles of father to the younger children of the house. And it will answer the research question“how does an alcoholic father effect his male children specifically”. The source is very specific rather than broad and gives direct quotes that allows careful critique in my essay. The authors are specialists with PhDs and teach at a university where this research was ascertained through the study of 120 people who fell into two categories so the childhoods and differences could be studied. This source is from an online psychology journal. It discusses the effects of alcoholism on the children of the addicts and cites statistics and numbers from credible outside sources. This article discusses why this is such a hard issue, as mentioned in my proposal, partly because of denial and partly because of closet usage of the substance. “A Toxic Brew” notes many books about the topic with excerpts from them and cites their authors. This includes the discussion of outside trauma besides just the alcoholism such as violent or extremely forgetful behavior. This article also lists the mental illnesses and social disorders that are most commonly found in adolescents and adult children of …show more content…

This source begins by defining the meaning of the use of the term “ACOA” and why it has become so common as well as posting statistics and numbers from their research. This sources subcategories under “What Happens to Children of Alcoholic Parents” include the following that will be immensely useful to my research analysis: Risks in Adulthood, What is it like Living With Alcoholic Parents, Psychological Effects, and Interpersonal Effects. While this is not a male specific source its still incredibly useful because of the detailed paragraphs and lack of bias, as well as, lengthy bullet lists for quick information. It also highlights the main points in bold to show you what the most prominent effects and issues are. The information gathered from this particular source is more in depth than the others and answers all of the research questions to some extent. These questions are as follows: “how does an alcoholic father effect his male children specifically”, “what effect does poverty have on substance abuse issues in younger adolescents and does this relate to family alcoholism”, “what mental illnesses does patriarchal alcoholism contribute to?” The author is Sarah Williams who has Phd in this field and regularly writes for this site. This site is easy to navigate for information and has some quotes and points I can work into my paper