America's Contribution To The Expansion Of The Space Frontier

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Many have wanted to contribute to the expansion of the space frontier, whether it be researching the cosmos or leaving our very own atmosphere. America’s space program, NASA, has been very successful from man’s first steps on the moon to discovering where we stand in the expanding universe. I have chosen 3 different paths in this field so I can contribute to this expansion of knowledge. Aerospace engineers, research astrophysicists, and computer engineers hold big positions in the expansion of technology needed for space exploration. Many people have wanted to design the spacecraft and technology that has been used over the years for countless missions. A lot of work needs to be put in to ensure that the technology being produced will be …show more content…

Research astrophysicists handle this by conducting their own observational research at a university, national observatory, or a government lab (Careers in Astronomy). Astronomy is the study of the universe and all of the celestial bodies that embody it. A research astrophysicist conducts research in order to find the origin and evolution of the universe. The information that is found can be mind blowing making it a very interesting job. Most of these astronomers have specific jobs when it comes to this research. For example, a theoretical astrophysicist will usually use a supercomputer to conduct their research rather than working with observing equipment. Those who use the observing equipment would have to spend at least 10-30 nights per year and then analyze the date they have collected from the observatories and/or spacecraft (Careers in Astronomy). While they conduct this research they usually have a job on the side, usually becoming a professor at a university or conducting research at a government lab. The yearly salary can range from about 106,000 to 138,000 (“Opportunities in Our Nation's Space Program .”). There are not many openings across America so there is competition when applying for a job. Most graduates with a Ph.D. have a better chance of being hired into these positions. In the past couple years there have only been 150 positions that were turned over across North America. 125 of these positions were acquired with a Ph.D. Most people find and hold postdoctoral positions when they graduate from college in order to get experience before finding a stable, lifelong career. These positions can be held from 3 to 6 years. After this, most find steady careers at a university department, national facility, or government lab (Careers in Astronomy). I think that this would be an exciting job because of all of the mysteries of the universe that you