The story begins when Ed and Lorraine Warren was handling a case back in Amityville. From that time, Lorraine was haunted by an evil spirit – demon in a nun figure. Lorraine then decided for not handling any type of case at the moment especially after she dreamt of her husband, Ed Warren died in front of her. During her resting time, a priest came to visit them and let them listen to the recordings of an old man voice that comes from an eleven year old girl’s body. He asked Ed and Lorraine to help a family in Enfield, where this recording came from. A single-mom named Peggy Hodgson and her four children were being terrorized by this unknown entity in their house on the suburbs of England. The little girl who was believed as the trigger of that …show more content…
However, when a drawer in the girl’s room moved in front of her, she immediately called her neighbor for help. Not long after that incident, the Warren came to unveil the mystery of the house. Janet was possessed by that entity and caused a lot of nightmarish incident during the stay of the Warren. However, a video recording shows that all this time and all the incidents was just an act out of Janet herself. Seeing the video made the Warren leave the house and assuming that there was nothing to do with paranormal activity. Lorraine felt something strange about leaving the house because there was actually an evil force that covered her “sighting”. Up until when they were at the train, Ed realized that there was something wrong in that house. They found out that the Bill Wilkins’ spirit was just a pawn of the demon that has haunted Lorraine in the Amityville. They turn back to the Hodgson’s house and saw Janet has been possessed in the house alone. They tried to get into the house in order to save Janet’s life. The Warren knew that the only weapon to defeat the demon was the demon’s name. Ed got in to the house alone and found Janet. However, both he and Janet end up clinging on the window frame. Lorraine came afterward after she found out the demon’s name, Valak. She shouted out the name of the demon and dispatched it back to the hell. Both Ed and Janet were saved