Amount Of Lemon Juice Affect The Mass Of Milk Curds?

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Title: How Did the Amount of Lemon Juice Affect the Mass of Milk Curds?

The purpose of the experiment was to determine if the amount of lemon juice added to milk would affect the mass of the milk curds.

Background Information Milk curds are lumps of milk that are created using a process called curdling. The curdling process begins when an acid is added to the milk, causing, “the protein and fat that is normally suspended in the milk… to curdle…” (Suleiman, 2014). Milk curds can be identified as the spoilage of milk, but can also be used to create multiple types of cheeses – ricotta, cheddar, and gouda. After the process of curdling, one will come across whey, the water removed from the curds to produce cheese. There are different …show more content…

Whole milk was left out for thirty minutes. Lemon juice was poured until it filled up a 118 mL plastic cup.
2. 125 mL of whole milk was poured into a measuring cup, and microwaved for ten seconds on high power. The milk was then poured into a 300 mL mason jar.
3. A metal spoon was used to stir the milk for 30 seconds. A timer for five minutes was set, and the milk sat in the mason jar.
4. While the milk sat, a square of cheesecloth was cut to fit over the top of a second 300 mL mason jar. The cheesecloth was massed, recorded in a notebook, and then secured with a rubber band.
5. After five minutes, the milk was poured into the second 300 mL mason jar with the cheesecloth attached.
6. For 15 minutes, using a timer, the milk drained.
7. After 15 minutes, the cheesecloth was removed from the mason jar, and massed on the balance. A plastic 669 mL container was used as a weigh boat. The balance was zeroed and the cheesecloth was placed on the balance. The mass was recorded in a notebook.
8. Both 300 mL mason jars were washed out with water and dried, and the cheesecloth was

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