Chemical Weathering Lab Report

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The laboratory exercise that I performed was to simulate the physical and chemical weathering of rock. During this exercise, the materials that I used were white vinegar, a piece of blue chalk broken into 5 equal parts, water, plastic bag, 5 small cups, and a measuring cup.
The purpose of this exercise was to determine which factors were physical weathering and which were chemical weather. I would also be able to determine what factors affect the rate of weathering.
My hypothesis: The white vinegar will increase the effects of weathering on the chalk that has been broken into pieces.
The procedure was as follows:
1. Cups were labeled A thru E.
2. A piece of chalk was placed in cup A and covered with 20 ml of white vinegar.
3. A piece of chalk was placed in cup B and covered with 20 ml of water.
4. A piece of chalk was placed in a plastic bag and crushed. The crushed chalk was then poured into cup C and covered with 20 ml of white vinegar.
5. A piece of chalk was placed in a plastic bag and crushed. The crushed chalk was then …show more content…

The chalk appeared to be dissolving slightly in the white vinegar because the vinegar had a slight blue coloration to it. Once the water was poured into cup B, there was very little bubbling that occurred. Over time the chalk remained intact and the water did not have any blue appearance to it. Once the white vinegar was poured over cup C, there was rapid bubbling that occurred. The chalk began to dissolve in the white vinegar and the vinegar turned blue in color. Once the water was poured into cup D, there was a small amount of bubbling that occurred. The chalk pieces dissolved slightly in the water because the water appeared to have a slight blue color to it. Cup E only contained chalk and served as my control or reference for the original appearance of the

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