An Analysis Of Gregor Samsa's The Metamorphosis

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The ironic lesson that is learned from reading The Metamorphosis is that Gregor Samsa experiences a metamorphosis in the bodily sense only; theoretically Gregor had always been a bug and becoming one bodily has no consequence on his pleasure of life. After understanding that he is no longer human, Gregor 's thought developments experience no alteration. Out of all the things Gregor could revolution into, he alterations into a creature. One cannot help but draw counterparts between the Gregor 's life and an insect 's life. Most bugs, especially ants and bees, have some sort of labor force that deliver for the rest of the group. Gregor delivers for his family in much the same way as a creature would offer for its nest or store. He expenses almost all aspects of fun, and does not desire to do anything but work. Eventually, his income becomes less of a substantial act, and more of an anticipation. His family 's existence rests solely on his shoulders, just as a queen bee relies on the worker bees. Gregor’s metamorphosis is representative of this commodification of man. The labor’s earnings is an ordinary overhead cost from the point of view of the capitalist (Reference). Though the laborer is paid, his product is taken away from him. After the acknowledgement of the entrepreneur’s contribution of providing the conditions for production, it is important to realize that it is not possible to produce without the workforce. The thoughts and skills of the laborer go into his