An Analysis Of St. Lucy's Home For Girls Raised By Wolves

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In many monster stories, there is not a single embodiment of evil, but rather the story reveals the capacity within each character for wickedness and virtue regardless of one’s ability to conform to societal norms. These stories challenge a reader to question his or her own definition of what constitutes a monster and to consider whether or not he or she could be labeled as such given previous behaviors. Through this process, “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” and Lilo and Stitch delineate intolerance and mistreatment of individuals who struggle to conform in a society. The definition of a monster that will be used in this paper is a character who claims a disposition in which he or she intends to cause another harm (emotionally or physically) under unfair or unjust motivations. …show more content…

Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves”, a pack of girls is sent away from its forest home to learn and become a part of human culture. Among the characters there is a wide spectrum of ability to conform to the norms of human society. On one end is Jeanette, the eldest sister who most quickly assimilates to human culture, and on the opposite end is Mirabella who is completely incapable of reforming. The story is told from the point of view of Claudette who adapts slowly, but successfully to the new environment. The conflict in the story is in how Claudette and the pack adjust to the new culture and how they deal with the deviance of