
An Analysis Of Tomorrow Will Be Different By Sarah Mcbride

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From the beginning sentence, “It’s rare to know in real time that what you are about to do will define the course of the rest of your life,” Sarah McBride piqued my attention. I am currently four pages into her book, Tomorrow Will Be Different, and I have already discovered a prominent theme of the beginning of the book, or, at the least, as much as I know of it. As the book begins, so does her progression. By the end of page one, Sarah reveals what she calls her “deepest secret.” Her secret is that she is a transgender woman. Though most people probably cannot relate with this revelation, what almost every human being can relate to is the fear of an outcome. What Sarah fears is how her peers may react (the outcome) to her coming out post on Facebook. …show more content…

Will they not want to associate with her? Will they omit her existence from their minds? Thoughts like those haunted her and caused her to be fearful. She knew that she had to take the risk, regardless. We all have been through a situation similar to this, whether it is something like confessing your love to someone, or surprising someone you are close to with a huge change in your life. You feel terrified of what they will say; you want to prolong having to tell them, but you know that you cannot, or, rather, should not. Now, put yourself in Sarah’s shoes for a moment. Do you feel all that weight she held upon her shoulders? Do you understand the momentum of coming out as transgender and how much it will affect her life and the people around her? Do you feel the fear of not only how others will react to this life-changing fact, but also the fear of the unknown she will face in the long journey of transitioning? Even as an outsider of the situation, I can understand how hard and overwhelming it must have been for

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