
An Athabasca Story By Warren Cariou

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“An Athabasca Story” by Warren Cariou “An Athabasca Story” by Warren Cariou is a short story about an Elder Brother looking for security and comfort. The story starts with. Elder Brother in the middle of a cold winter day, but then finds a trail of smoke and it leads him to a land of empty space. He sees what looks to be houses, as he walks closer he is greeted by a man inside one of the houses. The man tells Elder Brother to leave and that he is digging through Earth to take the special dirt that can provide warmth and can even completely end winter. Elder Brother realizes he can take some of the special dirt for himself. When Elder Brother tries to take some of the special dirt for himself to keep him warm but tries to as much as possible even then he …show more content…

Elder brother wanted to take some of the magical dirt too for himself to keep him warm, when he came in contact with the dirt it was very warm for him. The smell was still bad but it did not matter because he was now warm, just like if a person was super desperate for something they would not be bothered by how they obtained it. But this obviously is not enough to keep them satisfied. They need to secure what they have obtained. So Elder Brother put his whole body into the special dirt to grab as much as possible, thinking that it will last long enough for the year. Elder Brother heard a voice telling him to stop, “Elder Brother, you’re hurting me!” (Cariou 378). But Elder replies that he is not taking as much as the man in the house is. Elder Brother then thought to himself, "What if this was not enough?" So he decided he needed to take what he had and take it to the bush and come back. But Elder Brother is stuck and can not move, he cried for help but no one answered, all because he was

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