
An Imperial State Of Mind Essay

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Imperial state of mind means greatness. It constitutes a huge sense of self-importance and supremacy over other nations. However, if you weren’t lucking to be born British you may have another perspective on this issue. Based on the stories by Swift and Kipling we can see that British people have an extreme sense of self-power. They viewed themselves as someone who are always right, the most clever and better than all other races. This comes from the fact that Brits conquered more than half of the world and implemented their values and beliefs on everyone around them. Looking at the Gulliver's Travel we can see that despite the fact that Lilliputians are smart, crafty, have high morals and self-respect Gulliver still considers them «tiny and insignificant»(78). “Lilliputians have more regard to good Morals than to …show more content…

Brits are still proud of their country and conceder it the strongest empire in the world. Not many realize that in some aspects it’s done more harm than good. Like narrator’s mother in the Swing Time for example, understand that there is still race and class divisions. Maybe not in the laws but in the minds of people. She tries to educate herself so she isn’t worse than everyone else. People like Aimee still thinks that they should be involved in everything, that they have to help everyone even though sometimes they have no idea what they’re doing. They think that just because they are the dominant race of the empire they have rights to do anything they wish and they will be better at it than everybody else. But those who were negatively influenced by the empire still remember that their bigger asset is their mind and they are no worse than the native Brits. «You are clever. Doesn’t matter if you’ve got flat feet, doesn’t matter because you’re clever and you know where you came from and where you’re going».(31, Swing

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