An Owl Came To Stay Analysis

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Imagine coming home to a cardboard box and in that box is an owl. You now have to take care of that owl; you have to feed it, care for it, and keep it entertained, this owl will now be your whole life. This situation is much like Claire Rome’s An Owl Came to Stay. For Claire Rome having an owl proved to be a daunting task. Taking care of an owl was a full time job. While taking care of them she learned much about them. She began to learn behavior, how they acted around other animals, and how they acted around other people, and mostly she learned how to love them. Rome learned that taking care of owls is no laughing matter. Rome learned that owls act much like cats with wings. They only want attention when they want it; they get mad when you mess with them without their permission. One thing about owls that is different from cats is that they don’t hunt for fun. They only hunt until they’re full, they would never kill something out of hatred. The only time an owl would hurt someone if they are scared, or afraid. Rome believes that owls are not the fighting type. She also explains in the novel that humans are the most dangerous animal not owls. They are more about companionship than they are about fighting. Owls love to have someone to give them attention. Whether it’s Rome, the cat, or another they’ll always want someone to play with. Rome usually …show more content…

She changed everything for them: her house, her lifestyle, and compassion for them. Rome’s studio changed by being “owl proofed” which to the basic point means that all the cords were put way, nothing sitting out that could be easily broken, and multiple ledges for them to sit on. After she got owls she had to take care of all of their needs such as, having to be bathed in treated water, having to shave their beaks, and having to keep them company. Her compassion changed because she loved all their