Analyse The Importance Of Learning And Cognitive Development

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The meaning of play, means participating in activities for amusement, enjoyment and creativity rather than serious or hands-on purposes. Physical, Social and Cognitive are all different developments that occur when playing by themselves or with others. These developments are very important; as children need to learn these skills that play gives them later in life. Every child needs some sort of unstructured playtime everyday. Learning these skills teaches them to get along with others, share and much more.

Physical development is the progression that begins in childhood and continues into late adolescent focusing on large growth and motor skills. Physical development includes developing movement of the body, for example muscles and movement …show more content…

Children will learn to understand different personalities and emotion over time as they socialize.
If children don’t get to socialize whilst playing, this can lead to poor communicational skills and lack of confidence within themselves.

Cognitive development is a process of thinking, memorizing, emotions, mental process of perception, problem solving and decision-making, from a baby all the way through to adolescence.
Cognitive development is very important in playtime as a child uses activities to help them with the skills they need in life, for example, Shape sorting puzzles, building blocks and many more are great for cognitive development as the child needs to make decisions and problem solve. These activities will make the child independent and help with decisions they will make when they are older.

Playtime lets children use their imagination whilst developing creativity, cognitive, social and physical development that a child will use though to adolescence. Playtime also develops the child’s brain, as they will learn new things. When children start playing from a very young age it will benefit them to interact and engage with the world. All parents should allow their child/children to have 30minutes of structured physical activity with a parent and 60 minutes of free choice play each day, this will improve the child’s development and