Analyse The Relationship Between Language And Child Development

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Physical Development and Growth- Mostly caused by heredity but can be altered from environment. They are responsible for changes in body shape and proportion. From birth to about age 1 or 2 years, children grow rapidly. After this time, growth slows. It is important because growth is related to progress in other developmental areas. It is responsible for increasing the muscle strength necessary for movement, coordinating vision and motor control, and synchronizing neurological and muscular activity in gaining bladder and bowel control. Motor Development- The This is the child’s ability to move about and control various body parts. There is both large motor skills like walking, running, and crawling, and fine motor development such as hand-eye …show more content…

It is an on going process of interaction between the child and his perceptual view of objects or events. They learn through structured and unstructured activities such as games and having interactions with others. Cognitive and perceptual development cannot proceed independently on each other. The development of cognition begins with the primitive of reflexive behaviors that support survival and early learning in the healthy newborn. Language Development- Development is the process by which children come to understand and communicate language by expressing thoughts and feelings. Language is often symbols, spoken, written, or gestural. Receptive language is a child knowing the meaning of words, concepts, and relationship before they actually know the words to describe them. When they know how to describe them, it is known as expressive language. The child’s cognitive, social, perceptual, and neuromuscular development are all closely related to speech and language development. Social and Emotional Development- Social development is the ability to socially interact in an effective, responsive and appropriate way. Emotional development is the ability to express feelings, control emotions, and form relationships. In social and emotional development, it is important to remember that children grow and develop at their own