Analysis: How Has This Course Changed Your Perspectives On Identity

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Question 4. How has this course altered/changed your perspectives on identity? Consider the following questions when completing this task: What was your conception of identity before taking this subject? On what did this conception draw? Has that conceptualisation been challenged by your participation in the course? If so, what readings, lecture materials have sparked this? If not, why not? Draw on relevant course work (readings, lecture and tutorial materials) to critically engage with these questions and complete this task.

Identity is a complicated concept with multiple interpretations. Whether it is the essentialist view of the egg and the sperm, a combination of properties and features, or socially defined group identities, there will always exist debate over what is considered the correct concept. Before attending the Identity course, I was unaware of the complexity and multitude of functions identity serves.

If somebody had asked me to describe identity before taking a subject dedicated to analysing the concept of …show more content…

Of course it gives way to a hierarchy in which one gains prestige and one becomes stigmatised and degraded. Thus gives way to racism; illustrated by cases in which job offers are given to Anglo Saxon sounding names rather than Chinese or Middle Eastern names, and the stigma that all Indians work in 7/11 stores …show more content…

From having not considered the actual meaning of identity and how it operates, to now having a deeper knowledge of the interplay between social and biological influences, I have exited the course with a new perspective of the term identity. Thus, the term identity need not embody a core explanation, rather, it should be defined as a space of

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