Definition Essay On Identity

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The current statistic projects that the total number of species can range up to 50 billion, but only one factor is unique to each of these species. This one factor is known as an identity. Have you ever wondered what identity means to you? You might have asked yourself, “what is identity”, but the answer is not just one, but a combination of many. A handful of people think that identity only means as to who you are. In reality, identity is like the spectrum of the rainbow. The rainbow not only has the seven colors you can see visually, but as well as the mixture of hundreds to create a beautiful masterpiece. Just like the rainbow, identity not only defines who you are, but a collection of the way you think of yourself, the way you are viewed …show more content…

In the military, covering means to put your hat on. For Yoshino’s case, the term covering is used to express the hiding of one’s identity. More specifically, his exact definition translates to the toning down of a disfavored identity to fit in with the mainstream. In the beginning, Yoshino explained the meaning of covering, which is conducted by a majority of the human race. Yoshino’s dilemma revolves around how we humans are losing the war of identity due to assimilation. As Yoshino progressed, He discovered the paradigm that was brought up by theorist Winnicott. Theorist Winnicott brought a new light to Yoshino’s view, displaying the paradigm of true and false self and how covering is similar to the false self which protects the true self. In the end, Yoshino’s light truly lies in his ideals to change how society views identity which is known as the new civil rights. On the other hand, Poisson illustrated the story that revolves around a family who hides the identity of their newborn, Storm. The tales draw out the uniqueness of the family and how they derive from the mainstream, raising a family where they choose to be themselves. There were many questions thrown, stating the many flaws that can occur, but with strong resolves, the family lives a life where they will live as their true