
Analysis Of A Dynamic Character In Fay Weldon's 'Ind Aff'

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“How the Fallen becomes The MIghty then The MIghty becomes the Fallen”

Dose Lamott says that there is no point of a story if the character does not change.No characters must develop originality or living , rather than setting up the behavior and actions on them. According to Lamott's saying that characters, like stories, develop over time. Each character grows out of a different part of the writer’s personality, which means the writer will both love and hate his or her characters.And the important key that give character changes is narrator, and writers themselves must like the narrators they create. While the narrator must have faults, she must never be boring or annoying to the reader. The narrator must be interesting and strong, unless …show more content…

Peter cares about her, but does not do the necessary things to show that this is a serious relationship. We can see that the character of the female narrator does not stick up for herself in many ways in this relationship. By the end of the story it is show that the female narrator is a dynamic character because she starts out as an immature character, then changes into a more mature character. The narrator shows the reader just how immature she really is at the beginning of the story by being with Peter for status purposes. She talks about how tall and handsome he is, and that she “loved to be seen with him” (Weldon 137). She likes the fact that she is in a relationship with someone who is not only handsome, but is also very intelligent. This issue from a fight between her and her younger sister Clare. The narrator is somewhat jealous of her sister because she is married to a Harvard professor, and had received her first degree at only twenty. She is jealous of what her sister has accomplished romantically in her life. She is involved with Peter to try and out match her own …show more content…

The narrator reveals her character through her unmotivated more than her actions." Her life as he take it seems more like a set of a statue .like through a lighted window at night people see "her upright torso motionless as that of an idol" (56).The writer then takes us back to a time when she was slender and sitting in the chaos next to her father.

She was a young southern women and the father which gave her the being of respect. As one moves through the story her father dies and she has trouble handing being left alone. She can not accept his death initially, but she finally allows them to remove him. She is left with no money so she finds a way to support herself. However, she does not let go of her ideals that she is still just as imposing as she had been when he father was alive. The house becomes more and more run down and time passes on. People send their children to her for classes just to help her out of pity.One day a man comes to town and she has the glimmer of hope that he will love and marry her. However, he prepares to leave town. He disappears and the townspeople believe that he had just gone on without her.Miss Emily is still headstrong and stiff. She does not allow people into her home. She

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