Analysis Of Aggressiveness In 'Accused' By Duanying Chen

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Aggressiveness is the human instinct, and Duanying Chen cannot control his instinct. The world is not in charged by any individual, so people will often feel angry when they meet unhappy things. Tyler Hayden in Mom of Accused Puppy Torturer Pleads for Leniency stated that the couple(Chen & his girlfriend) often “dealt with problems and mood swings inappropriately” because their “parents are far away”. Hayden also said, the academic result slide and large amount of love spending make Chen often quarrels with his girlfriend. Chen's parent pays a lot just want him to get better education, and to get a degree in the US, then he can get a good job. His parents send him to the US is not easy because his tuition fee is very high. On the contrary, he just want to fulfil his ego, stay with his girl friend, but no school. If he wants to fit his parents' expectation, study hard and get a good grade, then he has to sacrifice the time with his girl friend, who he only connect …show more content…

Chen feels disappointed about himself, spending a lot of his parents' money with girlfriend, may cause his parents' question. He love his parents and he also love his girl friend. The conflict in his mind makes him feel angry. He dared not to express his angry to his parents for they are living source. His girl friend lived with him, so he can only blame his girlfriend. Furthermore, as the relationship has become worse with his girlfriend, Chen is infuriated. He knows he should not beat his girlfriend, the civilization does not allow him to do this, he should calm down and have a talk to his girlfriend. However, he cannot control his ego, his mind is full aggressiveness. Chen strangles his girlfriend and causes her to nearly lose consciousness, even the person is his lover, as Tyler Hayden pointed