Analysis Of Ann Raimes Pocket Keys For Writers

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For many years taking English classes, I have noticed many weaknesses from my writing and my poor focus. I, however, have an idea what is slang and vague word. In Pocket Keys For Writers by Ann Raimes have given the reader many understandable definitions and examples of certain errors and corrections in writing. According to the student book, Pocket Keys For Writers, chapter five, The Fifth C: Choose Vivid, Appropriate, and Inclusive Words. The writer should not give the reader a hard time to understand what the writer is introducing. For example, Vague: “The girl is Kincaid’s story “Girl” did many things often regarded as women’s jobs.”(128-129). In this quote Thing is a vague word, I notice I use Thing(s) in many of my paper’s when I get out of focus in my writing or I do not know what to include in my writing. The word Thing(s) in a writing can confuse a reader because they would ask to themselves what is a/this thing?. …show more content…

One example of slang in the Pocket Keys For Writers is, “The jury returned the verdict that the guy was not guilty.” (128). The slang in this sentence is the word, Guy. I may be mistaken or correct but I know in court you do not say, Guy, you will have to say he or she is a defendant, an individual. I also notice I use the word guy or girl in many of my writing when I have to tell the reader who I am talking about and eventually I always skip ahead and my mind thinks the reader knows exactly what I am meaning in my