Analysis Of As Long As Obama Brought Up The Cost Of College

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In her article “As Long As Obama Brought Up the Cost Of College...” from her blog Ann Coulter, a Cornell University graduate of Arts & Sciences as well as recipient of a Juris Degree from University of Michigan Law School, states that the idea of creating a free educational system in community college is the equivalent to giving away “free toilet paper.” Coulter tackles Obama’s State of the Union Address and enters into the controversy about whether or not community college should be free as well as stumbling upon the current state of the educational system. Coulter, a noted political commentator and author of ten New York Times bestsellers, is known for her pro-Republican writings and speeches and for intending to lead the public away from …show more content…

Beginning with a short summary of Obama’s proposal, Coulter quickly attacks every morsel of the idea. Coulter assumes a college degree is essentially worthless, and according to her, making it free will only devalue it more. She reports that most graduates are working entry level jobs that don’t even require a degree. Coulter’s stance on “the state of higher education” is the “product has… gotten much, much worse.” College students are being “brainwashed” into becoming Democrats, she claims. She points out that college is only a way to turn out “left wing thinking liberals” and that the actual education is an “increasingly worthless product.” Universities are taking into consideration that the public will pay almost anything to “invest in their future.” Coulter compares college to a “cartel that fixes prices” according to her theory that “education is an industry.” She concludes by attributing Obama’s proposal to be only a ploy to instill leftist ideals into young naive …show more content…

The ethos Coulter provides is her degree from Cornell and University of Michigan Law School as well as her in depth knowledge of the political field. The audience is more compelled to take into consideration what she is stating because of her credentials. What inhibits her trustworthiness is her ability to poke and prod at the opposing side without offering an understanding view of that side. This becomes evident when she accredits all Democrats with “getting in cahoots” with universities to “prey on teenagers”: “Democrats are colluding with colleges to create a market bubble for an increasingly worthless product” (Coulter). The confidence Coulter exudes in her writing leads one to believe she really does know what she’s talking about, but the refusal to give the alternative argument any validity makes it hard to stay on her