Analysis Of Bullying: A Big Problem Among Teens

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Bullying is a really big problem among teens. Some people don’t know what bullying isso here is a brief explanation on what it is, bullying is when someone uses their strength to harmsomeone who is weaker. That is the simplest way to describe bullying, there are many more waysthat people could describe what bullying is.That is just the general definition of physical bullying but there are different types ofbullying like verbal, cyber, and social bullying. Verbal bullying is when someone talks trash orbad about someone. Cyberbullying is when people online post stuff about someone that theydon’t want on the internet. Social bullying is when someone says that someone can’t be theirfriend and for them to go away. Some people just bully because …show more content…

They are in bullying as the bully or the victim. Teen bullyingis more common among younger teens than it is among older teens. Younger teens are moreprone to physical bullying while older teens are more sophisticated in the type of bullying theuse. Some effects of teens bullying are injuries, depression, suicide, drug usage, stuntedsocial development. Sometimes teen bullying could lead to students dropping out of school andnot getting a good education because they didn’t want to get bullied anymore. Bullying couldhappen anywhere and at anytime like at a school on the streets and in a neighborhood. They areso many ways to stop or reduce bullying such as telling teachers and adults. Another way isfinding more friends because bullies tend to bully people who are alone.In the novel “The Outsiders” there are two main groups or gangs that hate each other.One is named the Socs and the other is named the Greasers. The socs bully the greasers …show more content…

and one night one of the greasers killed one of the Socs because he was scared of him. Hewas scared of him because he got beat up by the Socs. Right after he killed the Socs he ran awaywith one of his friends to the countryside One night after the Socs was killed they had an all outbrawl to see who was the strongest and the greasers won but they got really hurt. This shows thatbullying could be taken too far to the point where people get killed.Sometimes bullying is taken to far because when you think about it people should neverhave the thought of suicide or hurting themselves. People should never have to go through beingbullied but bullies just want to do it because they have no attention in their life and they weretreated wrong before in their life. Sometimes teens will bully because their parents have hit themand they just want other people to feel the same way they have felt in the past. Parents shouldtreat their kids like how they want to be treated. Parents should never hit their children but theycould put them in timeout or do something to make their child stop being bad.Teens should never have to be bullied or bully another teen because that is wrong andschools should change how they deal with kids being bullied and bullies. Sometimes school don'teven expel the student bullying. Teachers should keep an eye out for students who has changedthe way there act.

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