Analysis Of Chapter 17 Of The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli

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In Chapter 17 of The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli, his claim is that it is better to be feared than loved. I strongly agree with Machiavelli’s claim because people are generally bad and will have the sense to take over your thrown if they are not feared by you. Additionally, if people are feared by you than they will not have the courage to fight back. In Chapter 17 Machiavelli writes, “…This arose from nothing else than his inhuman cruelty, which, with his boundless valour, made him revered and terrible in the sight of his soldiers, but without that cruelty, his other virtues were not sufficient to produce this effect.” This quote refers back to Machiavelli’s claim that in order to be successful you must endure cruelty in your city and