Analysis Of Classical Sociological Theory By Glen Goodwin And Scimecca

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The book ‘Classical Sociological Theory; Rediscovering the Promise of Sociology’ by Glen Goodwin and Joseph Scimecca, covers the beginning of the sociology field (Goodwin and Scimecca, 2005). The three main theories of conflict perspective, functionalism and symbolic interactionism beginning have all been developed in the book. After the author’s identify the social philosophy emergence, the book then follows a pattern where every chapter is devoted to a major theorists as well as their work. The theories in this case have been placed in an intellectual and social context. Hegel’s discovery of dialectic gave rise to German sociology. In France Comte did the same. By giving an evolutionary theory of society Hegel defined dialectic completely. Dialectic is basically having the impression that the world is …show more content…

According to Marx, these conflict of contradictions; development and movement, ends in revolution inevitably. The above concepts by Marx can be applied in the novel while looking at the class struggle that has proved to be inevitable within the capitalist systems, and understand how the struggles then eventually resulted in revolution following the conflict of contradictions that are represented by the proletariat suppression at the bourgeoisie hands (Goodwin and Scimecca, 2005). The events that were portrayed by DeBrizzi in the early chapters of the novel ‘America’ were used as groundwork for the events that emerged in the later chapters. The reader is meant to assume that the majority of the novel is set in Northern New Jersey in early twentieth century. The struggle for fair wages and safer working conditions that have been well documented which followed the rise of capitalism during the period of industrial revolution form the basis of these early chapters (DeBrizzi,