Analysis Of Derogatory Stereotypes Of The Sleeping Mexican

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The Sleeping Mexican Images of the sleeping Mexican invoke serious debates and even arguments over its true meaning and representation. It has cultural significance hence its name implies and directly ties it to Mexican heritage. There are ongoing efforts to remove the images, statues, portraits, and anything that resembles it from public places. “More than 300 people have signed an online petition to remove the statues, calling them racist and ignorant of Mexican history” (Canal, 2015). Figure 1 (Canal, The 'Sleeping Mexican:' Honored Cultural Icon Or Deragatory Stereotype?, 2016) When asked firsthand about what comes to mind upon first viewing this image, I get very differing opinions and remarks. Many people who are from Latin American cultures seem to all have the same point of view. They mostly find the images offensive and a misrepresentation of Mexican culture. …show more content…

The majority of younger Latin Americans mostly agreed that the image represented Mexicans in a derogatory light. Most agreed that the image depicts a lazy, unproductive person who just happens to resemble someone from Mexican descent. The large sombrero, the brightly colored sarape, the open toed sandals, and the hands folded upon the chest. The difference in opinions came from some older Latin Americans who paused a bit before answering, as if they studied the image and gave it some thought. Their response was for the majority was, it represents a working-class Mexican who has enjoyed a delicious meal and is relaxing after working. They call it a siesta, a much-deserved rest after doing often arduous, backbreaking, manual