Analysis Of Elder Abuse And Why Our Laws Are Failing A Vulnerable Population

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Prospective JD candidate Jane Black analyzes the issue of elder abuse in her article “The Not-So-Golden Years: Power Of Attorney, Elder Abuse, And Why Our Laws Are Failing A Vulnerable Population” (particularly the financial aspect) and creates a solution to the glaring issues that plague the system meant to protect the elderly. Black uses three main points to produce an accurate look at the issues at hand. First, elderly people are particularly vulnerable to abuse making them easy targets. Second, the laws that are meant to keep the elderly safe are weak, thus enabling more abuse. Third, by creating stronger laws and programs, elder abuse can be curbed very easily. One of the most important aspects of Black’s paper is her ability to create …show more content…

Not only does Black’s examples give additional information to the writer, but they also make the article easy to understand. For example, when Black is done explaining what the powers of attorney are under the law, she follows up her statement by summarizing that the power of the attorney basically allow them to “borrow money, signing papers, title documents, etc…” (Black 295). For those who do not understand what an attorney does or understand it in layman's terms, Black provides writing that allows people to approach the issue. Additionally, when Black utilizes examples, she is also explaining her line of reasoning for why she believes these issues occur, For example, when Black states that laws are too weak to properly protect the elderly, she goes on to provide a perfect example of how a weak law enables elder abuse (Black 298). Now people who are currently trying to stop elder abuse can see that it is simple to recognize these issues and can push for reform that they understand. Examples are what make a paper easy to understandable, and Black utilizes them in ways that not only make the paper comprehensible but very informative as

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