
Hitchcock Auteur Theory

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Auteur Theory
“ Everything has already been done, every story has been told, and every scene has been shot. Its our job to do it better.” This quote represents the meaning of the auteur theory because every film is a representation of a director’s creative way in which they use various filmmaking techniques such as narration, cinematography, and mise-en-scene. Both Hitchcock and Traffaut use various filmmaking techniques in their films Psycho and The 400 blows. Hitchcocks Psycho is more suspenseful because they use cautions scenes with sound. In Traffaut The 400 Blows they use rapid camera shots with sound to depict the main characters life as we progress through the film. Even though both of these director use different stylistic techniques …show more content…

Marion meets Norman and one particular scene in which we see mise-en-scene is when Marion and Norman are sharing tea. The lighting of the characters is very intriguing because Marion is positioned on the other side where there is lighting on her face while Norman is positioned in a dim light . The way in which Hitchcock uses mise-en-scene was to set the tone of the story presenting the intended viewer with two different characters that are keeping secrets hidden from each …show more content…

Traffaut scenary choice was intended for Antonie since he was always isolated in Paris but now he has finally found the freedom to discover himself. Hitchcock used the setting and characters actions to produce a horror genre movie. These two filmmakers produced unique movies, which follows the Auteur Theory. A lot of filmmakers have interepreted the auteur theory is based on the scripts in which the director chooses to make. Its does not matter whether a film director writes his own movie, because these film will illustrate the film makers visions through the creative choices that they make in their

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