Analysis Of How We Got On By Rapper Nelly

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I remember staying up all night learning the lyrics to a song called “Country Grammar” by rapper Nelly. Born in the same city as I, Nelly was my favorite rapper at the time. He was among the first well known rappers from the Midwest. In the 1980’s hip hop only brought recognition to rappers in big cities like New York city, Miami, or L.A. Around the’80’s, inspiring Midwestern artists had no choice but to anxiously await their moment to be known as a part of hip hop culture. In ‘How We Got On’, a playwright by Idris Goodwin, focus is brought to the events of three teens struggling to have their voices heard in the hip hop community.
Just recently JacquelineThompson, a professor at the University of St Louis, MO, produced the show in April. Her