
Analysis Of Jane English's What Do Grown Children Owe Their Parents

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Linda’s predicament from this scene is similar to that of many other adult children faced as their parents grow old and unable to take care of themselves. Her parents, who had a good relationship with her all this time, are now in need of financial help. However, Linda was hesitant as she had recently taken an ethics class and learned of Jane English’s arguments that adult children owe their parents nothing. Thus, Linda feels she has no obligation to help them out. In this essay, I will argue that Linda is not acting ethically according to English’s argument. According to Jane English’s article, “What Do Grown Children Owe Their Parents?,” she argues that adult children do not owe their parents anything. English mentioned that because parents choose to have children and raise them, therefore, children, who did not ask to be born, do not owe their parents anything in return for their upbringing. She contends that any assistance given to parents by their adult children is purely voluntary and should be considered an act of love rather than a moral obligation. Therefore, Linda’s decision not to provide financial support to her elderly parents might seem ethical according to English’s argument, but it is not entirely sound. Despite that, English does acknowledge that there are situations in which …show more content…

This case of Linda would fall under that category. While English’s argument seems convincing, it fails to take into consideration the natural obligation children have towards their parents. Linda’s parents had brought her up, cared for her, and provided her with a good life until she was able to be on her own. Therefore, it would be reasonable for Linda to feel indebted to her parents for their love and care. Linda’s reluctance to help her parents is not only ungrateful, but also

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