Analysis Of Janie's Love In Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale

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Throughout Janie’s search for true love, she experiences different kinds of relationships.
Even though she gained strength from the protective love of Nanny and Logan, it was Jody’s and Teacake’s love that influenced her the most. With Logan, his protective love does not satisfy Janie for the love she wanted, which lead Jody to help Janie escape from the protective love. When Teacake appears, he offered a new kind of love: fulfilling, happy, and true love. In Their Eyes were Watching God, Jody and TeaCake's love ultimately built Janie’s true character.
First, Jody influenced Janie to move away from the role he has created. Until Jody’s death, Janie felt trapped and was treated as a property. When Jody prevented Janie from giving a speech,