Analysis Of Khalidah Adibah Amin's 'This End Of The Rainbow'

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Khalidah Adibah binti Haji Amin or better known as Adibah Amin was born in Johor Bahru on February 19, 1936. ‘This End of The Rainbow’ is her first novel written in English. The plot of this story is understandable and she manipulates her story with one purpose that support her vision; independence. Malaysia achieves its independence in 1957 and once called as Malaya. Before this, it had been colonized by several big colonies like Portuguese, British, and Japan. Colonizers came to dictate Malaya and tragedies happened during those times. Amin draws a big picture of tragedies during the 1940s when freedom was not relevant at that time.
This book witnesses Malaya before independent and demanding our focus to interpret her messages in her story. In addition, Adibah Amin inserts an important value that makes this novel alive, where the author presenting her ideas in the mind of her protagonist, Ayu. The portrayal of Ayu gives an impact to readers as we can feel those experiences that Ayu had endured from childhood until her adulthood. Thus, the objective of this paper is to discuss on the expression of unity that has been created and imagined by the author as her vision for the future of her nation, Malaysia. Her identity of being as a nationalist is realized by her dream in making all races in Malaya as what she calls as a ‘Malaysian’.
Adibah Amin has a sense of nationality in herself when she writes the novel. She interjects the sense at her novel in Ayu after her encountered

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