Analysis Of Kid Playboy

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Contrastively, the latter account, Kid Playboy, is constructed in an internal focalization manner that is first-person peripheral rather than first-person central. While personal pronouns such as, “I” are still exercised; the perspective is of a minor character that observes the actions of the main characters. For instance, “[after] some time the last name and address is written down, and I can see…” (Chapman: 2011,89), can serve to reinforce this idea as it makes use of personal pronouns and conveys the story from the perspective of a minor character.
A further discordance between the two stories is evident through the register and tone utilized, whereby it is indicated that Kid Playboy reflects an informal, casual register. Furthermore, this is evident through the use of jargon embedded in the narrative and is reiterated through words such as, “hick job”, “hitched”, “cherrie” (Chapman: 88, 2011) etc. Due to the jazzy township slang and humorous connotations it is suggested to have an informal, causal register. Furthermore, a humorous, satirical tone is utilized, which is indicated through the diction and the manner in which the narrative is conveyed. “Kid Playboy’s eyes meet mine and I pull my tongue out at him” (Chapman: 2011,89), the following extract, the title of the tale and the man’s satirized infidelity serve to reinforce this idea. Ultimately, it is concluded that the tale employs an informal register as well as a humours, satirical tone.
Thus far, the contrasts