
Analysis Of Logan Killicks By Zora Neale Hurston

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Unlike her following marriages, Janie’s marriage to Logan Killicks was not by choice. Born into slavery, Nanny sees the world completely different from Janie and values protection over love. At such a young age, Janie did not quite understand why Nanny wanted her to marry an old man like Logan Killicks. After being caught kissing Johnny Taylor, Nanny’s motives are clear. “’Tain’t Logan Killicks Ah wants you to have, baby, it’s protection. Ah ain’t gittin’ ole, honey. Ah’m done ole.” (Hurston 18). Logan fits Nanny’s image of a good husband because he is able to provide protection, stability, and an opportunity to own property. Janie values her adolescent view on marriage and Mr. Killicks, as she calls him, does not fit the image. She had a
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