Analysis Of Mccandless Into The Wild

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Nature is shown in this manner, because it causes one to be completely isolated as they will be able to find their ultimate freedom with themselves. One can find their true identity and realize that materials do not make them the person they are, it is the experiences they encounter. McCandless’s journey into the wilderness shows that he was ready to change the way he was living and his surroundings. Changing his lifestyle, and going by another name, shows that he was rejecting the values forced upon him by his parents’, and that he wants to start creating values for himself. Nature played a huge part in allowing McCandless to reach his ultimate freedom by serving as a character itself. Objects such as the “magic bus,” reflects on McCandless’s own growth, as he transformed from adolescence into adulthood. …show more content…

Being alone on his majestic journey, and exploring the beauty of the world, McCandless sought out pleasure with the various environments that he adored and was able to find a sense of purpose within himself. Even though Chris faced various obstacles while trying to reach his ultimate freedom, such as finding food and shelter, he managed to overcome these hindrances. His personal growth with the world and himself is strengthened, and he was pleased with the life he chose to take on. Into the Wild is a film that eludes that people need to change the way they view the world. Natural surroundings caused one to search for their sanctuary, which eventually leads them to a satisfied