Analysis Of Mercutio In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is a story of love sprouting between two who were in families, or houses rather that were seen as enemies by the other family, but the story also consists of characters upholding higher meaning. One of these characters in particular, Mercutio holds a much deeper meaning than he is generally seen as. For example, Mercutio stands as a mediator between the two houses, he does not in particular prefer one over the other due to the fact that they both are shown as a disgrace under his words and he wishes for “a plague o’ both your houses” before his death. Then, later on he represents fate, he causes the fate for which the story falls upon indirectly and relates to the well-known law of motion that also applies to living beings because “every action has an equal and opposite reaction” clearly can be applied here. And to top it all off, he represents one who jokes too often can be one to joke his way to untimely death. Although all of these factors may not be agreed with among others, I will prove my reasoning for such that Mercutio stand for, outsetting with disliking both houses, continuing with the fate, and ceasing with the joker who joked his way to death.

First, to begin with how Mercutio stands as a mediator in Romeo and Juliet. He does not approve of either house, and although he is Romeo’s friend he likely wouldn’t side with his house when given the decision of which house he’d rather follow, in fact, he undoubtedly wouldn’t choose either, he is