
Analysis Of Monologue From The Song 'Humorous Wedding'

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- even when we offer it. - It's still worth a try. And if they reject it? What then? Do you give up on them? Keep pushing? - Vuyo still giving you trouble? - I'm trying to reach out to him. But you know what he's like. He wants things his way, or not at all. Like father, like son. Don't give up on him. I won't beg him to meet me halfway. If he reckons he's better off without me... If anyone needs transport to KZN... - I'll organise it. - Thank you. Did Mazwi tell you that the funeral has been moved? - Yes. - The whole family is going. Forgive me. I've done something... I will not forgive myself unless I'm honest about it. Can you not make this about you? We have lost our daughter-in-law. We're all mourning. - We're not interested …show more content…

Slow down. I'm not going anywhere. - I'm sure Aunt Tshidi will understand. - You don't understand. - I'm not going to the funeral. - Why not? Simphiwe was like a sister to you. - That didn't stop her from committing suicide. - I'm not going either. I'm swamped at work. You two are unbelievable. With friends like you, no wonder Simphiwe didn't tell us... Don't you dare lay this on us. I'm just as angry and confused about what she did. But to turn your back on her... I would've done anything to help her... if she gave me the chance. If she trusted me... - If she cared enough to share it with me... - She was in a bad space! Now we have to live with the guilt of our so-called friend killing herself! This isn't about you. It's about Phiwe! If you had any sense of decency, you'd pay your last respects and say goodbye! He'll put a rush on it for an extra five thousand. - Forget it. - Please. Esther is desperate. So? She can wait. We don't owe her anything. In fact, she owes us. Every time she messes up, we rescue her. Think. Forget about rats and help your sister find mules. I'm serious. Everyone I trained is working for the competition

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