Analysis Of Moushumi In The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri

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To be alone on an island, painting the sky the desired shade of blue, but to be secluded, fending away civilization as it it were a parasite, is not one’s ideal state of mind. Yet, by a particular female character named Moushumi In the book The Namesake, they are confused. Moushumi is the ex-wife of Gogol and identified in detail by Jhumpa Lahiri. Moushumi’s identity is composed of her experiences, her values, and her background. She is defined by her independence in the novel. For instance, Moushumi’s experience in France and her breakup with Graham define her. They are both times she has made her own large decisions independently. One would take helpful consultation from parents and friends, but not Moushumi. According to the novel in Moushumi’s view, “It was easier to turn her back on two countries [America and India] that could claim her in favour of one that had no claim whatsoever” (Lahiri, 214). It is also said that “...she doesn’t want to be mistaken for a tourist in this city [Paris]” (234). Another example, “...all those years of people attempting to claim her, choose her, of feeling an invisible net around her, that had led her to this proposal [to Graham]” (216). Her past experiences were all her decisions, not approved by her parents. She hates the thought of being limited or an object of others pleasures. These choices affected her future, friends, and relationships. Paris increased her independence because she was all alone and reinvented herself. She is