Ego Psychology: Case Conceptualization Of Ashoke's Travel Experiences

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Ashoke, is a survivor of a tragic train wreck which now influences his travel experiences. The client experiences flashbacks of the train wreck from time to time and feels triggered by train stations and certain luggage. Although he shows great anxiety before boarding a train, he is still functional and travels by them. Ashoke takes advantage of new opportunities that come to him, such as the opportunity to teach in Cleveland, and is very supportive of his wife and children.
Gogol, his son, faces a constant dilemma with both his American and Bengali identity. His family wants him to follow his father’s footsteps and become an engineer, but he wants to pursue architecture. His mother wants him to follow Bengali culture, such as marrying someone from the same background. Regardless of his parents’ desires, he focuses more on his friends and American culture than his own family’s values. When his father passes away, he begins to cherish his family values. Gogol is very caring and committed to his passions. He follows his dreams, which make him into a successful individual.
Case Conceptualization
Ego Psychology
Ashoke demonstrates his id, ego, and superego in various instances. His ego consists of his ability to have a stable job and family in this country by following its societal rules. When he was younger, he took the opportunity to travel a lot on his own and focus on his education, leading him to live alone in America. This ties into having Ashima, his