Analysis Of Night By Elie Wiesel

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Night Essay
Human life being deemed as socially equal but politically, and emotionally unequal is something that has forever plauged our worlds, with many hardships that have emerged from that hatred that has helped influence and change history. Life being unregarded has affected many groups of people each ranging greatly from each other but one of the most notable examples of the apathy towards other humans based on differences they couldnt control would have to be Hitler and his treatment on Jewish people. From this digusting treatment of other’s life has emerged many inspiring and emotional pieces of work of literature, including this novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel. Today I will be writing about the Importance of regarding all human life as equal.

Elie Wiesel recalls his time when he was treated unequally based on his book “Night“ over the span of his time at a concentration camp and the horrific atrocities he’s both seen and experienced. He first recalls being treated unequeally by telling how the Hungarian police had broken into Jewish peoples homes to steal any gold as they were ‘Forbidden’ to have it. This was shortly followed by him and other Jewish …show more content…

And through Elie’s story you can begin to see the treatment of those considered lesser, like how sick and old people would instantly be sent off to be killed instantly, and children and babies would not be spared this treatment as the Nazi party would regularly massacare and kill them as according to them they wouldnt be of much use. The story countines and It would countine to show the prejudice behavior the Jewish people would have to endure. But in the end of the story Elie is liberated from the camp but not without the trauma of what he had to endure and then the grief of his father, mother, and sister all passing