
Book Reports On Night By Elie Wiesel

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“Night” by Elie Wiesel is an autobiography that sheds light on his life growing up as a Jewish teenager. When he was just sixteen years old, he was forced to grapple with limitations set in place by the Nazi’s rule. At this time in history, the Nazis were trying to exterminate the entire population of Jewish people solely because of their religion. The Nazis took over his town and began their cruel ruling system.

The book starts out describing how life was when it was “normal” for Elie Wiesel. Elie had ordinary things such as a loving family, nice house, food, education and freedom. These are all things we take for granted. He also had a strong faith in God and made a great effort to educate himself in the teachings of his faith. The world he lived in symbolically represents a light. …show more content…

The Nazis started treating Jewish people worse than animals. Elie’s family was ultimately removed from their home forever and placed in a ghetto. They had to give up their prized possessions in order to avoid the Nazis. Worst of all, they lost their freedom. Eventually, they were transported by train to a concentration camp having no idea what was in store for them. Concentration camps had crematoriums that would burn people until they turned into ashes. Those chosen to live were treated cruelly and forced to starve. When his family arrived at the concentration camp, he and his father were separated from his mother and sister. They were taken to be cremated. Elie and his father were sent to barracks to live. However, they were abused and hardly fed. The symbolic “night” had taken over. Elie started to become angry with God and lost his

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