Why would an author find it more intriguing to write their novel in first person alternate point of view? Colleen Hoover’s book, November 9, is very effective at using a first-person alternate point of view. The way Hoover chose to write two different perspectives in one book attracts the reader. The organization of her story is so effective because she allows the reader to connect with multiple characters, experience dramatic irony, and get a variety of views. Hoover’s approach to arranging her story is successful because readers can connect with multiple characters. Hoover can accomplish this by being very descriptive about how the characters feel and act while switching between the two. Hoover dives deep into how the characters feel. She writes in a way that one character is describing what …show more content…
It’s good to get both sides of one character, how they see themselves, and how people around them see them. One example of the other character describing the other one is “She’s different. Her hair is shorter. She has bangs. She’s wearing a short-sleeved shirt, which is something she admitted to never doing before last year” (Hoover 88). The male character, Ben, is describing how the girl, Fallon, looks after a year of not seeing each other. The reader can get a good feel for how Ben sees Fallon in his eyes. This creates a deeper connection with the characters because we know how they see each other. When Ben says “She’s different” it shows how he really does notice the little things about her. Ben describes each little piece of her that has changed over the year which makes the story more interesting. We get inside both characters’ heads and find out how they feel about each other without them even having to say it out loud. The reader is also able to get both characters’ opinions about the same thing that is going on during that section of