Analysis Of Race And The New Deal Coalition By Adolph Reed Jr.

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In the world we live today many question the New Deal that Franklin Delano Roosevelt presented as he took office in 1933. His main goal of introducing and enacting the new deal was to help the millions of suffering americans during the great depression. However, question have been rising as if The New Deal helped or not. To begin with, the majority of individuals view The New Deal as the main core thing that helped America get out of the main depression. Although, this may have some truth to it, author Adolph Reed Jr. challenges this viewpoint in his article “Race and the New deal Coalition.” By stating that The New Deal did not get america out of the great depression, World War II did. In fact he writes that the new deal is full of discrimination. For example, the social security act excluded agriculture and domestic workers. Which defeats the whole purpose since many individuals at the time were nothing but domestic employees. Not to mention, that the majority were African Americans. Adolph mainly focuses on the subject of discrimination. He makes his way through his …show more content…

She agrees with Reed when it comes to the Debt America is in due to the deficit spending. They also, both make a great view point, as they both refer to World War II. And both state that , The New Deal was not what ended the great depression but WWII did. As well as questioning why did it take so long to end the great depression. However, there were also many difference with each of their articles. Shalese doesn’t talk about The New Deal being discriminating towards minority like Reed does. Shales does not critic FDR as harsh as Reed. Something that was oddly different from one another was that Shales talked about FDR constantly raising taxes and anyone who would pay very little taxes were constantly being investigated. Which was very odd due to the fact that it didn't matter what social class an individual was associated

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