Analysis Of Should Everyone Go To College Essay

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Is college worth it? That is a question that has been long debated since higher education's inception. When reading the book “Should Everyone Go To College?” there is a flood of information regarding those who attend college, earn their degree, and assimilate to the workforce, in comparison to those who only own a high school diploma or the GED. Although the authors discuss the struggles associated with college, they argue that attending college is more beneficial than the alternative. This means that when it comes to qualifications for higher paying jobs, people with those who only earned a high school diploma or GED wouldn’t be qualified to take the spot. Research has been done to show the difference in income between those who earned their bachelor’s degree and from those how only own up to a high school diploma or a GED. Depending on the occupation of the desired job, sometimes, going to college isn’t necessary. It’s best to look into the desired career and do some research to see if a college education is necessary to create a good investment. Financial aid plays a huge impact on those who are financially disabled. People don't know …show more content…

That causes a great impact on attendance on going to college. Some people choose the route to take a gap year, which is something high school graduates do to take a year off to just work and save up money before going to college. Therefore, there are situations that over time those people don't want to give up working and decide to take more time off from going to college which plays a part of people not attending college. Which in favor they could be earing way more money than they would currently make because they would have a high qualification to earn more money an